10 Easy Ways to Discipline Your Toddler Without Hitting or Yelling


Worried about your little one’s activities? Did they irritate you anytime? Are you confused to sort out the problem? Here is the way, continue your reading to understand tactics for discipline your toddler without hitting or yelling.

You can expect your child’s curious behavior at when they started to explore the world around them. And many parents know this fantastic fact that the toddlerhood can be a period of great frustration. It’s understandable if they are eagerly finding the solutions to overcome the scenario.


As the little humans are begins tests their boundaries, it includes disarrayed emotional expressions and often presented as tantrums. And they are more likely to become hostile towards their parents when they control their needs or desires. So, its good to understand how to discipline your toddler without hitting or yelling.

How to Discipline Your Toddler Without Hitting and Yelling?

Disciple a child is one of the most important part in parenthood. And it’s very difficult too.

Effective discipline will train a child to be self-disciplined later in life. It also helps your child to raise up to be happy and well-balanced. As a parent you have to choose the better ways to teach your child about behavior developments. This article will help you to find out the best and effective ways to teach your child discipline.

When to Discipline a Child?

It is important that you should know when to start disciplining your child. You can begin this from as early as your child birth and that should be intended to adapt to the growing needs and maturity level of the child.


Initial stage, your infant will start to explore the world by observation and sensation. At this time, they may engage with some activity that put them in danger. These activities can be grabbing something, scratching, or chewing small substances. At the age when they start to experience walk, they will undergo through a threat that falling down the stairs, beds or anywhere heights.  However, at this time you can give some positive supports, like loving words, supervision to their activities. Occasionally you can starts saying ‘no’ from this age time.

2 to 6 Years

From the age of 2 they start to show some behavior of wanting to do things by themselves. Sometimes these changes may cause you more difficulties. Between the ages of two and six, some behaviors such as climbing, playing with switches, exploring cupboard drawers, throwing objects, asking questions and arguing will be shown. Although the child may express their needs, they are not trained to describe their feelings. So, here you need to understand and implement the discipline requirements based on these.

6 Years +

At this age they begin to understand emotions, their actions and their consequences.  They become more responsible as they grow older. At this age period you have to continue to use different methods to teach them discipline and ensure their actions.


Healthy Discipline Strategies that Work.

First, remember that yelling at a child who is already prone to screaming will only make the situation worse. Only healthy training strategies can effectively work for your child development.

10 Effective ways to teach your toddler discipline.

For an effective disciplinary strategy needs respect, consistency, and neutrality. In reality, there is no perfect method for disciplining toddlers as all children are different. So, hereby sharing some strategies that you can apply when your baby showing an unusual behavior.

1. Understand your Toddler.

Children are all different in their nature. Therefore, we must first understand our children. We should observe what they are interested in and why they are arguing. If you understand all this and use disciplinary strategies, it will be possible.

2. Show and Tell

Toddlers are very visual and you can model the behavior you want from them. As they are small they don’t know clear sense to react against the action. So better if you could show them once then, they can copy from and they can use it from next time.

3. Offer Options

As we discussed above, toddlers are experimenting things with their independence. So, it’s important to give them a fair chance to nail it. Some options like “what would you like to have apple cut pieces or juice?” “I which plate you want your snacks either Elsa plate or Hulk plate? but you have to finish it.” Based on their interest and weakness you can change the options and it will work. If you say no they want it even more and they will argue for it. So, to alter their mind you can give some options like this.

4. Set Expectations Towards Their Actions

See, children are not like to follow your rules at their toddler period. In fact, it can be said that they have no idea about it. So, if your toddler is busy with any activities like playing games, coloring, or any you should clearly tell them what you are expecting as its result. And should clarify the instructions and make sure your baby is clear with all. For an example, some kids they are interested to do paintings but at their age they don’t know how to do it properly sometimes they will paint on the wall, furniture or floors. In such cases you can tell them like “See, we draw only on paper. If you draw on the wall again then I will put the crayons away.” They will understand your instruction and they set with your expectations here.

5. Praise Them while Doing Good


This is common, not only for toddler everyone would likes to get noticed on their good activities. So, if you praise your son or daughter when they doing good and worthy things then don’t forget to appreciate them. For example, when they arrange their toys in the right place or finish their meal without arguing you can praise their actions.

6. Redirect

If you feel they are preparing to throw a tantrum, try to change their mind. If you are on a picnic and your child sees other children playing with a toy and wants it, distract them by showing them something else. This you can use in many cases like if they are adamant to get some accessories, foods or anything. Because children are attracted to objects by their color, sound and shape. These all are their eagerness to get to know about the new product. Once they understand all these then they will lose the interest, so to control their mind excitement you can divert them to something else.

7. Know when you not to ‘React’

Sometimes doing nothing is better, because protecting always your child from the situations are not good. He/she also needs to get to know what are the consequences of some bad activities. For example, your kid is keeps dropping their cookies on intentionally then the result is their cookies will get over and there will be nothing to eat. If they are purposefully damaging their toys then they will not be able to play with it. So, they will come to know naturally that some bad habits they have to control themselves.

8. Don’t tell them to say ‘Sorry’

You may surprise here, but its true. If you make this as a habit for your child then they will think if anything happens it will be ok when says a ‘sorry.’ Here, you can explain to them how other person will feel if they do this. So, they and avoid such situations, if you clarify their doubts then they can follow the suggestions afterwards.

9. Hear them out

It is important, some situations they have the explanations. Once you are ready to listen them then they will be very open to you. Do not be harsh or strict with your child because they trust you as their only benefactor. And in some situations, you need to show them your presence of mind. For an example your child may go through some feelings like jealous, angry, or etc. with other person. In such situations you need to listen their feelings and need to show them attention and tell them how to overcome.

10. Avoid using ‘Harsh words’

Your kid is a mini copy of you and you can feel your childhood by their activities. Yelling at children and using unhealthy words are resultants to an emotional breakdown for them. And many studies proved these all activities are ineffective and harmful for their thought process. So, you should understand your toddler very clearly and explain the things and give suggestions.

Hope you have gone through the strategies to use for discipline your toddler without hitting or yelling. Try to use these tips and if you have any suggestions mention below in the comment session.

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